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This again relates to my earlier answer on paid vs organic marketing. With digital marketing prominently in the hands of a few top platforms, whose main objective is revenue, this ‘push based’ approach is increasingly becoming a challenge where the platforms need to earn and...

Great to see Venkatesh that you found me responsive on that front as I believe it is crucial! E-mails according to me are core to business operations today. There is a big difference between formal and informal channels of communication and both are crucial in...

Very Interesting question with multiple angles. Marketing techniques and tactics are generally not aimed at manipulating customers. While 3-4 years back there emerged a slew of companies which were tried to game SEO, Google has constantly strived to keep them in check with multiple and...

As also shared in my text in Chapter 2 on ‘Digital Marketing Models Creation’, there are six ‘Digital Value’ elements which differentiate digital marketing and provide benefits to consumers. These include: Convenience:Online availability and real-time accessibility Variety:Access to multiple and long-tail options not easily available...